photo courtesy of-Nationaal Archief-Flickr
I am a faithful reader of Woman's World Magazine. I enjoy their recipes, crossword puzzles, and positive affirmations. But, the most enjoyable part of this weekly magazine for me is the practical health, home, and beauty tips they have packed into every issue.
As the proprietor of a vintage clothing business, safe storage of woolens and stain removal are issues that I deal with every day. Recently I found several "tips" on these very concerns on the pages of Women's World magazine. I have not yet had a chance to try out the suggestions but I want to share them with you and I will report on my successes or failures. I would like to hear back from you, the readers of my blog, as to whether you give them a thumbs up or a thumbs down too.
The tips:
1. Moth-Proof your woolens!
Protect your sweaters during the warm weather by wrapping them in a few sheets of newspaper and sealing with tape. The paper will keep out moths and absorb moisture, keeping woolens fresh until fall.
2. Remove underarm stains from shirts!
Don't let stains ruin your favorite white shirt. Crush 4 uncoated white aspirin tablets and mix with 1 tsp. cream of tartar. Add enough warm water to make a paste, then work into the stain with an old toothbrush and let sit 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. The salicylic acid in the aspirin removes the stains for good.